Well, it’s only taken me 144 days but I’ve done it.
It’s been on my tick list since lockdown and I can happily say ‘I have completed it’.
Amongst many culinary delights we’ve created as a family during lockdown, a curry has always been on the agenda.
I even brought Kelly an Indian cook book for her birthday last year, but it’s just sat there gathering dust.
So last week I took the plunge.
I’m not entirely sure why it’s taken so long.
I think it’s because the last effort was a TOTAL DISASTER!
It was that bad we ended up throwing it in the bin, and for those who know us, this just doesn’t happen in the Nation household.
And it’s time to get the trumpet out, cus I’m going to blow it.
Do you know why? Because it was AMAZING!
I conjured up a cauliflower, pea, cashew and coconut curry, all served with buttery steamed, dill infused basmati rice.
Better than any take-away I have ever had, honestly.
I like cooking, especially the eating part, but I’ve never ventured into the realms of Indian cuisine.
It always seemed too much hassle, too many spices, too much faff, but after Sunday, I’m thinking it may become a new Nation weekly tradition.
We love trying new stuff, because it’s so easy to get stuck in a rut.
It’s so easy to keep doing the same thing, over and over again.
One of the things we did within Personalised Nation during lockdown is reassess everything.
We’ve reassessed our suppliers, processes and systems.
To help us become a better supplier to our clients.
It’s a great task to do, trust me.
It means we don’t become complacent, which is worth the time and effort it takes to do it.
Right, I’m off to get my apron on.
This week’s delight is a smokey red pepper and paneer curry, I’m even going to rock up some bread.
Wish me luck!