As you all well know, we have quite a large familam.
And during these very testing times, things have been slightly tricky and challenging.
But as parents you have to adapt.
As parents you need to incorporate skills that you think you never needed.
Yep, I’m talking about the 2 key things that ANY parent uses on a daily basis (if not hourly)
Bribery and lying.
Well, I wouldn’t actually call it lying, it’s more like porky pie telling or hollywooding.
It’s exaggerating the truth, or spinning a yarn.
Nothing malicious of course, just story telling to make sure stuff gets done.
But the bribery, well…
I could well audition for a role in one of those big budget movies when an american cop goes rogue and starts taking dodgy back handers from criminals.
I mean, I’m an expert, I’m talking Derren Brown style mind tricks.
Buy why?
Normally we wouldn’t have any of this stuff going on.
But on top of running our own business we’ve had to:
- Move business address
- Have extensive work carried out on both our new and old properties
- Work on our business growth strategy
- Build our own brand new spanking website (which will be live pretty soon)
Amongst other many things.
Now bribery has pretty much been part and parcel of our living lives since Isobelle was little, so it’s not really anything new to us.
But now we have four kids, the tables have turned.
No longer does a bit of chocolate work.
No longer does a promise of some ice-cream do the trick.
This is getting real!
But we’ve found a solution.
Something called Roadblox.
I’ll be honest, I have very little knowledge of what goes on but I know there are:
I did tell you it was bonkers.
But it works.
It keeps them quiet and occupied whilst we need to get stuff done, which in turn will benefit the whole familam.
Diversifying into different services (bribery not really one of them) is not anything new for us.
We’ve been busy implementing this for the last six months to help offer our clients more services.
To help save you time and money from using multiple suppliers.
Do you want to know more about how we can help YOU save time and money, then give us a call on 01543 677794 to see how we can help.
Right, I’m off to do some grafting
We’ve got a busy weekend ahead moving the last of our stuff from Burntwood to Cannock.
As we finally hand-over the keys of our old unit at the back end of last week, yay.