The Yes Hour

by | Personalised Nation

Rain? Pah. That won’t stop play at our house!

Recently we watched the film ‘Yes Day’, in which parents decide to let their children decide what to do and they can’t say no.

You can probably see where this is going already …

The parents agree to everything and let the children rule the roost for 24 hours, leading to all sorts of mischief!

Well, this seemed like too much fun to pass up!

With limited time, we couldn’t do a full Yes Day (although, watch this space, it will happen!)

So we created of our own version – Yes Hour.

Everyone had an hour to do an activity of their choice with only a couple of rules in place – the main one was that no-one could eat chocolate for an hour!

So, Layla chose an hour of board games (AMAZING choice), Jude decided that the best thing we could do is have a Nerf war, with boys verses girls (girls won, obviously).

We ate homemade pizzas and slept downstairs which was Ruby’s excellent choice and Isobelle chose to pick a movie out of a hat and act it out for the others to guess. A big improvement on charades!

Not to be left out, Mat and I also had a choice to make.

Mat’s choice showed a little more abandonment of restraint… he made up a game!

‘Dringo’ involved selecting a person’s name and a coloured bead. You then went to their wardrobe and selected an item of clothing to represent the bead colour and returned downstairs, all within an allotted time, to be judged by the others.

We all really enjoyed this game, Dringo may become a tradition in The Nation household…

We ran out of time for my choice, but that’s first on the list for Yes Day.

But, Yes Hour was all about giving the children a choice.

Everyone felt that they had their turn, that they had their time, and no one was left out.

Except me of course, but my time will come… my enjoyable hour or so of “Yes Mom” and “Yes Kelly” will be something I dream about!

It was all really, really good fun. It shows what can happen when you go with the flow and embrace what other people are thinking.

And this is what we do for our customers. We give them choice. The choice of products, styles, designs – everything.

We give them all the information we can to help them make informed decisions on what products best meet their needs.

The key to this process is that together, we come up with the perfect product.

So, no matter what you’re looking for, we can provide what you need. Just give me a call on 01543 677794 or emailing me at and we’ll see where our own Yes Hour gets us.


About Us

Our awesome team handle the full gambit of brand design and promotion.

We produce ALLURING graphics, websites that WOW, EPIC print products and SUPERIOR signage and are equipped to tackle any scale of project.

And because we cover the whole caboodle, we safeguard your brand like no other, ensuring a CONSISTENT approach and PREMIUM finish every time.

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